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The Healing Cocoon Podcast

How Binaural Beats Can Transform Your Life with Sonic Mystic and Neuro Acoustic Producer Asa Idoni

Surfing the liminal state between slumber and wakeful consciousness.

Posted by:
Jacobie Gray


In this episode of the podcast, we are joined by Asa Idoni, a musician, artist, technologist, meditation teacher, mystic, and distinguished producer in the field of ambient music, sound medicine and neuro-acoustics. Today Asa lets us into his journey of healing from trauma through the art of sound healing and how he has been able to extend this same healing to others.

Combining his passions for music and spiritual evolution, Asa has developed a composition methodology that integrates principals from neuroscience, music theory, and the western mystery teachings, creating a library of audio products designed to promote healing and evolutionary change. Using sonic mysticism, Asa seeks to transcribe patterns of nature into the melodies and harmonies of music.

Preverbal Trauma 

At only 2 years old, Asa suffered a severe trauma, losing his mother in a house fire that also left him with third degree burns on 37% of his body—deeply scarring not only his physical self, but his subconscious as well. This defining experience of pain left him searching for ways to heal and transform his psychology so he could come to terms with simply being alive. “It led me to ask a lot of deep questions early on in life…like what is the purpose of life and the meaning of death and how do we heal from the insanity of the world and tremendous loss and pain and suffering we all have to endure?” As he journeyed for answers, he was awakened to the reality that everyone is experiencing their own deep suffering and longing for these same answers of comfort and healing. 

Losing his mother and her nurturing presence at such a young age, Asa went in search of his ‘cosmic mother’, seeking her out in the deepest part of his psyche and embracing her in the magnitude of eternal fullness. It is this search that put him on the path of exploring alternative methods of healing and self-development.

Sensory Healing 

As a young teen, Asa was already gifted with divine wisdom beyond his years, having the insight to know it was essential to pursue something profound in order to heal his trauma. The journey was winding, leading him through shamonic paths, meditation experiences, psychotherapeutic modalities, journaling, and shadow work, but none he found powerful enough to uniformly fortify his struggling mind and soul. He grappled with concentration, likely even dealing with undiagnosed learning disabilities and PTSD. 

The heavy anxiety he longed to resolve caused him to feel alienated from his peers and the world, uncomfortable in his own skin. His trauma-impacted psyche had shaped the foundation of his personality and, although he was determined to heal his mind, his search continued to feel dry and disappointing. However, he did not give up hope there was something out there that would nourish and fulfill the empty places inside. 

After years of what seemed like fruitless perseverance, he happened upon some cassette tapes at a garage sale that became an open portal to another world of healing, the world he had been chasing. They were the Monroe Research Hemi-Sync Guided Meditation tapes. As he started to work with them, he remembers instantly dropping into an intriguing state of profound stillness and wakefulness, a space he had previously been unable to access. “All my sense of confusion and uncertainty fell away, replaced by a sense of peace and wholeness that transformed me on a deep level.” 

Over the years, he has processed this experience as a fundamental understanding of the nature of human existence—that the core of our being has its root in frequency and vibration. He leaned into these enlightenments, learning more and more about how acoustic stimuli trains the brain into certain states of consciousness.

Surfing the Liminal States Between Consciousness

As his own healing deepened, Asa’s passion began to project outward. Wanting to share his insights with the world, he became a hypnotherapist. Inspired by the work of a retired hypnotherapist turned client who passed on his sound healing equipment to Asa, he found ways to incorporate this frequency technology into his practice, integrating the use of binaural beats with vibrational therapies to begin encouraging slower brain wave patterns. 

Hence, Asa’s practice has evolved into the healing art of producing music that trains the brain to move from operating in alpha and beta waves, the faster waves associated with wakefulness and fight-or-flight, to delta and theta waves, the slower waves, while remaining present and alert. Moving into this state allows access to the non ordinary states of consciousness. When in a slow, theta state and remaining aware of it (as opposed to drifting fully into sleep), the mind enters a space of hypnosis, lucid dreaming, and the imaginal realms conducive to healing as they activate the parasympathetic nervous system. The practice of staying in that place between sleep and wakefulness allows us to touch into the negative emotions stored in our subconscious minds, and offer suggestions and for reprogramming, nourishment and healing.

Learn more about Asa at and find him on social media at @sourcevibrations.

For the full interview with Asa, listen via the link on this page,, or find us on Instagram @thehealingcocoonpodcast.